for the animals

Video, “Why Vegan?” by EVOLVE! Campaigns: (click here to view)
Video, “What Other Animals Need from Us” by Sandra Higgins, Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Video: "The Faces of 'Free-Range' Farming" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Film,“Earthlings” by NationEarth: (click here to view)
Film, “Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home” by Tribe of Heart: click here to view
Film, “The Witness” by Tribe of Heart: (click here to view)
Vegan Guide, by Go Vegan World: (click here to view)
Vegan Starter Kit, by International Vegan Association: (click here to view)
Vegan Starter Kit: (click here to view)
Vegan, How Do I Go: (click here to view)
Flier, "Dairy comes from a grieving mother" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Flier, "Dairy is a Death Sentence" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Flier, "Letter from a Vegan World" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Flier, "Why Humane Farming is a Lie" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Flier, "Humane Farming - An Oxymoron" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary:(click here to view)
Booklet, "Humne Animal Farming? Take a Closer Look" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Essay, "What's Wrong with Backyard Eggs?" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view
Pamphlet, "The Faces of 'Cage-Free' Egg Production" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Pamphlet, "Free-Range vs. Battery Eggs" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Email Signatures: "We Know Our Victims Wel" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuaryl: (click here to view)
Email Signatures: "55 Billion Reasons to Live Vegan" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (click here to view)
Email Signatures: "Subjects of a Life" by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary: (ckick here to view)
Podcast, Always for Animal Rights: (click here to view)
         FB, Always for Animal Rights: (click here to view)
Website, Be Fair Be Vegan: (click here to view)
         FB, Be Fair Be Vegan: (click here to view)
Website, EVOLVE! Campaigns: (click here to view)
         FB, EVOLVE! Campaigns: (click here to view)
Website, Gentle World: (click here to view)
         FB, Gentle World: (click here to view)
Website, Go Vegan World: (click here to view)
         FB, Go Vegan World: (click here to view)
Website, My Face Is On Fire: (click here to view)
         FB, My Face Is On Fire: (click here to view)
Website, There's An Elephant In The Room: (click here to view)
         FB, There's An Elephant In The Room: (click here to view)

for the planet

Video, “A Life Connected”: (click here to view)
Film, “Cowspiracy”: (click here to view)
Science, Worldwatch Institute, “Livestock and Climate Change”: (click here to view)

DISCLAIMER: Please do keep in mind that vegan is first and foremost a social justice movement dedicated to the cessation of speciesism. In other words, dedicated to the cessation of all forms of exploitation and execution of land and sea individuals. If, in the above links, there are references to reducing rather than eliminating using animals, references to vegetarian rather than vegan, references to "factory farming" rather than to all "farming" of other species, etc., this is not in line with true vegan advocacy, anymore than advocating for reducing rather than eliminating the many human-on-human social injustices that exist would be acceeptable. Other species of land and sea individuals are not ours to use as "food", fashion, furnishings, entertainment, sport, labor, research, recreation, riding, breeding, social rituals & celebrations, trophies, etc.

for human health

Film, “What the Health”: (click here to view)
Books by vegan RDs (registered dietitians):
            “A Guide to Vegan Nutrition” by George Eisman, RD
            “Becoming Vegan” by Brenda Davis, RD
            “Vegan for Life” by Virginia Messina, RD

DISCLAIMER: Please do keep in mind that vegan is first and foremost a social justice movement dedicated to the cessation of speciesism. In other words, dedicated to the cessation of all forms of exploitation and execution of land and sea individuals. If, in the above resources, there are references to reducing rather than eliminating using animals, references to vegetarian rather than vegan, references to "factory farming" rather than to all "farming" of other species, etc., this is not in line with true vegan advocacy, anymore than advocating for reducing rather than eliminating the many human-on-human social injustices that exist would be acceeptable. Other species of land and sea individuals are not ours to use as "food", fashion, furnishings, entertainment, sport, labor, research, recreation, riding, breeding, social rituals & celebrations, trophies, etc.